Shimelle giveaway winner (and the reason why it's so late!)

I apologize for my delay in posting the winner for my Shimelle album giveaway, but over the holidays, my daughter was in the ICU for RSV, a respiratory virus that is especially hard on preemies, and one that she had been vaccinated for. We keep her away from public areas at this time of year to help prevent something like this from happening, but this winter has been a tough one for respiratory viruses. (P.S.A. If you're sick- coughing, sneezing- please stay home!)

It was especially hard for us as we had spent the days leading up to Christmas in the exact same way last year, with another respiratory virus that caused Lizzy to go into respiratory failure.

Luckily, we were able to get out of the hospital on Christmas Day and spend a lovely couple of days at home with my family- days that I will cherish and share very soon in my December album!

Now, on to the winner of the Shimelle album...

Kimberly, please email me at meghann[dot]andrew[at]gmail[dot]com to provide your mailing address and claim your prize!

Thank you to everyone who left a comment about my '5 Ideas Using Shimelle Dies' guest post at Shimelle's website. They were so appreciated! 

Shimelle collection sneaks & a giveaway!

I'm guest posting on today with 5 ideas on how to use the Shimelle collection metal dies. I'd love for you to hop on over and check out my post!

Also, the link to my watercolor tutorial video didn't get on the Shimelle post, so if you're interested in checking that out, please go here.

Once you've done that, come back here and leave a comment for a chance to win the beautiful gold glitter 12"x12" album from the Shimelle collection! (Giveaway open to U.S. residents only, please, due to shipping costs overseas.)